Food is a daily fight for me. What to eat? How much? When? I'm up a pound, I'm down a pound. I would say that I've always eaten healthy, but looking back that is definitely not true. My Husband signed up for a 30 day paleo nutrition challenge and he asked me to join him. I cringed when I heard the word paleo. It never made sense to me. I guess because I spent the last 4 years of my life as a vegetarian trying to be a vegan. Although I do eat meat now (I started during my boxing training), I fundamentally still believe it is wrong. I've just sold out because it is hard to feed my kids with celiac disease and lactose intolerance a strict vegetarian diet...and because meat is delicious. My food philosophy is that if God made it then it is good for me. I don't think God created animals for us to kill them. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. It just seems wrong when there is so much other great food to eat...which leads me to beans. God gave us beans. They are a source of protein and are delicious so why are they forbidden on the paleo diet? And corn? And rice? Why can't you eat them? They sound healthy to me. The bean thing seriously annoyed me. I decided to get over my bizarre issues and do it with him to learn how it would affect my body, and see what everyone was talking about.
So here goes 30 days without dairy, grains, sugar, gluten, caffeine, soy, legumes, alcohol, and most coke! I got up to 3/day and I'm quitting cold turkey.
Day 1: (Starting weight 132.0 after a weekend of binging) We did a very good job of shopping and preparing food last night so it made it easy, plus I was excited for a new challenge. I ate a lot (more than usual) and felt fine until 6:00 when I absolutely crashed. It took all my energy just to stay awake until the kids went to bed. I was useless. The only time I really wanted a diet coke was in the afternoon when I woke up from napping with John.
Day 2: (129.2) - I lost 3 lbs in one day after eating all that food? Probably not. My body is probably just regulating itself from my weekend binge, but it was enough motivation to keep going because I woke up lethargic and grumpy!!!!! Didn't want to work out but I made myself do what I could. I actually tripped and fell doing side shuffles. Pretty sloppy. Useless at 6pm once again. Absolutely useless. I ate SO MUCH food today trying to stay awake. It's crazy.
Day 3: (129.6) - Woke up feeling more energetic today. Not 100% in my workout but just glad I went. I'm eating like a linebacker. I can't believe how much food I'm eating.
Day 4: (129.1) - Skipped gym today to do errands. I ate a lot less today. I'm not as tired or hungry (and didn't work out).
Day 5: (127.9) - Wow! I guess eating less made a big difference. Down another 1lb+. Had to skip the gym again today to do things. I didn't eat much but did eat a big meal really late. I felt really guilty about that and wondered how it would affect the scale.
Day 6: (128.7) - Not working out and that big late meal showed on the scale but it's temporary. I did a double boxing session today and stuck to my diet even at a birthday party. Funny. I wasn't even tempted by the cake. I have no cravings. The sugar must be out of my system. I am satisfied and feel really good. I am so confused and shocked that I don't miss my diet coke and don't have headaches from lack of caffeine.
Day 7: (127.5) - I went out with friends last night and cheated with a few glasses of wine, but when surrounded by pizza and all sorts of great food, I was not tempted. I stuck to my antipasto red peppers and pepperoni and then some very late night beef jerkey on the way home. haha! Today I also cheated with some home-made gluten free's a family tradition I'm not going to give up. We went to the movies today and I was well prepared with a bag of salt free mixed nuts, carrots and guacamole with a seltza water. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and didn't miss my twizzlers and 200 oz diet coke! Who am I?!? I'm sure I'm just on a high of feeling so great and I won't be this good forever, but for now, I'm doing great.
Day 8: (128.2) -
Day 9: (127.4) - I had a great workout yesterday, and ate well. I had large meals and one snack. I love the fact that I am not counting or even thinking about calories. I eat whatever I want whenever I want as long as it is in the rules. The rules seem very restrictive, but because I'm not counting calories it feels very liberating. This is probably the perfect weight for my body. I feel amazing. If I could just maintain this I'd be very happy.
...and that is where I stopped journaling daily because I went on a complete bender! I think I got cocky that I hit my goal weight, add in some social events with alcohol, my son's birthday, etc... and I stopped eating paleo for 8 days. I remember texting my friend to tell her that I had french bread and M&Ms for dinner one night! My weight quickly returned to my starting point and I felt disgusting.
I was disappointed in myself but I got it together and finished strong ending the challenge, feeling great, at 128.
I'm thankful that I took the paleo challenge. It was enlightening to learn how my body responds to different foods by eliminating them and reintroducing them, paying close attention to how I felt. I don't like counting calories. Who does? On paleo I can't emphasize enough how much I can eat. I never count a calorie. I eat til I am full and eat whenever I feel I need it. I have never eaten this much in my life, but yet I drop weight or am able to maintain when I am disciplined. My body processes natural food easier and faster I guess.
I have decided not to label the way I eat anymore because sometimes my needs change. I make my choices as clean as possible, with cheat days here and there, and I have found peace with that. Now I have a restart button, a plan that I know works.
It's empowering to know that if I gain a few pounds I know how to get it off quickly by returning to clean eating and exercise. I used to panic. Now, I remain calm and just get back to the basics, confident that I'll be back to normal in a few days. (I recently gained 7 lbs on a 5 day vacation, only to lose it all within 4 days.)
Interestingly, it is not all about the numbers though. I've had 2 recent experiences that have taught me this. First, a very fit woman, taller than me, shared that she admired my figure. She only weighed 119lbs but I was leaner. Second, I learned that a good friend whose figure I really admire sometimes outweighs me by 5-6 lbs. I never would have guessed this. I would have estimated that I outweighed her by nearly 10. So I've learned to not freak about the scale. I pay attention to how I feel and how my clothes fit as much as I do the scale.
I have learned so much from my food successes and failures. I encourage everyone to go on a food challenge. Everyone's body is different so only you can discover what's best for you.
Know this though...Sugar is the enemy. I believe this is true for all of us. It is in everything! The tiniest amount left me wanting more. It was a Kind bar with only 4g of sugar that started my bender. Serioulsy, I got one taste and I felt like a crack addict manicly searching the house for more. When I consumed zero added sugar I dropped weight, looked less "puffy", had amazing energy, felt like a million bucks, and had no cravings for junk food...even at birthday parties and the movies. Honest to God, no cravings for junk (if you know me you know how huge this is). It definitely takes a mental adjustment but once you get into the groove it really isn't hard to avoid it. Just eat real food, and you'll feel so much better. My energy level without it is unbelievable. Go HERE to learn more and take the 10 day sugar free challenge.
It is a constant fight, but I will not give up.